Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Problems That Faced Arab Nationalism Politics Essay

The Problems That Faced Arab Nationalism Politics Essay Upon the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the presence of imperial powers shortly after, the Middle East had to contend with a radical change in both the dynamics and the concentration of power within the region. These circumstances would lead in turn to chronic conflict in the Middle East and consequent repeated attempts at unifying the Arab world. This essay will look at how and why attempts were made at uniting Arab states and why these attempts often failed at delivering any significant unification. First it is important to look closely at the position the Middle East found itself in, in the early 20th century. The Ottoman Empire had ruled the region for over four centuries and had done so through divisions of people in different autonomous communal groups. This was in stark contrast to the territorial borders imposed by the imperial powers. As Ayoob argues, boundaries imposed by imperial powers fragmented the region into the multitude of weak, competing and often artificial state units on the basis of great powers interests and not indigenous wishes. The position the Middle East therefore found itself in was one in which indigenous groups were divided by territorial borders imposed by imperial powers, with these borders often simply being drawn with a ruler on a map with little attention being paid to the dynamics of the peoples living in these areas. Next it is important to look at the challenges states faced in nation building and how this would HAVE/of contributed to the need of Arabism. As Hinnebusch explains, one of the great difficulties facing Arab nations was incongruence within the new founded states. Identification of the people within the territorial state was weak compared with loyalties to sub-state units, such as the city, the tribe, or religious sect. The imported idea of the nation state had little historic tradition on which to build. As a result of Arab states being in a weakened position due to their challenge of nation building the ARABIST/Arabism movement meant that states could be UNITED MORE STRONGLY/stronger united. Leaders of Arab states would call for unity within the region in order to counter pressures from western powers. Hinnebusch explains that within a group, identity facilitates cooperation and mobilizes agents for change and where identity converges with shared territory and economic interdependence, resulting in a nation state or regional community, legitimacy and stability is reached. This was the mentality of Arab leaders when calling for unity. Kienle (1995) argues that states turned to Pan Arabism when they feel vulnerable and insecure. The use of identity is merely an instrument used in order to call for support in times of potential danger. Benedict Anderson argues that certain processes tie groups together into an imagined community. For example the development of local and regional economies engage different groups creating a link between them. The one-state-one-nation Western ideal contrasted with the Arab notion of one-nation-many-states. This follows the basic principle of Arab Nationalism or Arabism, which calls for the unification of all Arab people. The Arab world is unique in that the region shares, to a large extent, a common language, culture, history and religion. These are all important factors in determining nationalism of a state. Therefore the region looked set in establishing an Arab nationalism movement as it held all the ingredients to do so. However the issue was that the region had been divided into states, some of which WERE deemed artificial, and so as these new founded states attempted to consolidate power within their own territory and gain some form of identity, Arabism would face several constraints. From the outset there had been no agreement on how Arabism would be combine with more local loyalties (such as within the state). As states started to gain independence nationalistic movements started to take place in order to unify the peoples within territorial borders. For example Iraq, WHICH/who became the first Arab state to achieve its official independence in 1932, went through a process that attempted to create a sense of Iraqi Patriotism. King Faisal conducted a competition between poets and musicians to provide words and music for the first Iraqi national anthem. Therefore one of the issues that first arose in causing a difficulty in the establishment of Arabism was the need of consolidating power within new FOUND/founded territorial borders and the call to local loyalties that would put a wider call to Arabism on hold. Another issue that faced Arabism was the competition between the stronger Arab states in taking lead throughout the region. As state building became more and more important, leaders were often concerned about losing power to other Arab states. An example of this was King Faisal attempts at holding an Arab congress in Baghdad, in order to use Arab support to help reduce Iraqi weakness and overcome the dangers threatening the integrity of Iraqi society. However Humphreys, the British High Commissioner, NO WHO NEEDED/who argued it could provoke hostility from Iraqi neighbours and bring about the very dangers that the king feared, rejected the proposal. It would have built up hostility from leading Arab states like Saudi Arabia who resisted any moves made by states that could put them into a leading position within the region. The outcome of the six-day war is often used to signal the end of the Arabism movement. The war led to the astounding Israeli victory over a united Arab force (primarily Egypt, Syria and Jordan) and the inability of ARAB/Arabic countries to generate economic growth. One of the major reasons to why this would be the downfall of the ARABIST/Arabism movement was the extent to which Egypt suffered major losses in the war. Egypts losses meant that they would no longer at the front food of Arab politics. From 1967 and throughout the 1970s we see the country move further and further away from the pursuit of Arabism. The Camp David Accords, promoting peace between Israel and Egypt and the expulsion of Egypt from the Arab league in 1979 highlight the end of Egypts quest in uniting Arabic nations. The lack of efficiency of Pan-Arab institutions was another factor in the failure of the movement. In an anarchic system whereby states have no one to report to, there was no way in ensuring that Arabic states would adhere to Pan-Arab friendly practices. One OF the first institutions to be set up in order to promote Arabism was the United Arab Republic (UAR), established in 1958, which included Syria and Egypt. However the institution only lasted until 1961 as Syria pull out of the initiative due to Nassers want to dominate both countries. In 1963 the new UAR was set up, this time including Iraq as well AS Egypt and Syria, and including an entirely federal system where by each state was able to keep its identity. The institution lasted longer than its predecessor had, but again was abolished in 1971 due to the differences between Syria and Egypt. Gamal Abdell Nasser, the Egyptian President, had been a key figure in the push for unity among Arab states. Soon after his assumption of power in 1956, becoming the second president of Egypt, Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal, and at the same time denounced Western influence in the Arab world. This created a strong feeling of support throughout the Arab world for Nasser, and the way in which he dealt with the repercussions of the British and French powers consolidated his position as the face of Arabism. From this point on Nasser would attempt to unify Arabs throughout the region although often he was seen as overbearing, one example NO BEING NEEDED/being mentioned above whereby the early break up of the UAR was caused through his domination of Syrias government and consequently Syrias decision to leave the institution. The death of Egypts second president on the 28th of September 1970 is often seen as the final nail in the coffin for Arabism, after the devastating results of the 1967 war. It meant that there was no leader to which Arabs could aspire and turn to in the name of Arabism and as a result meant there was nothing holding the fort in preventing the movement NO INTO NEEDED/into dissolving into something of the past. There is conclusive evidence that Nassers death was in fact the end of Arabism. By the mid-1970s the idea of Arab unity became less and less apparent in Arab politics (The Continuum Political Encyclopaedia of the Middle east). Nassers death also clinched the end of Egypt as the leading state of Arabism. Anwar Al Sadat, Nassers successor, revived an Egyptian orientation, unequivocally asserting that only Egypt and Egyptians were his responsibility. Ultimately the death of Nasser led to the Arab world losing its leader in the quest of uniting its peoples.

Friday, January 17, 2020

DISC Platinum Rule Personality Assessment

A good listener, a great companion, trustworthy, and the facility to finish what one started – these are the adjectives used to describe people who characterize the personality of the Steadiness Style. These words describe the strengths of the Steadiness Styles, and depict what characteristics help them in order to accomplish their life goals. If we talk about social interaction and relationships, the Steadiness Styles lead all the other personality styles. They are open to intermingling with other people, most often influenced by their being open communicators and sociability.Although they may not appear to be the life of the party like the Interactive Styles, the Steadiness Styles draw attention from people just the same because they are good listeners. In addition, when they talk with other people, they always make sure that they express support and are able to understand the situation and emotions of the people they are in contact with. Their image of dependability and tru stworthiness draw other people to open their hearts to the Steadiness Styles.In some instances, the Steadiness Styles appear to be passive and round about, allowing other individuals to see them as obedient and yielding. This kind of attitude allows them to draw other people who are willing to also listen to them and be trustworthy like the Steadiness Styles. In short, their goodness when it comes to listening and being trustworthy comes back to them as expressed by the people with the same attitude who will also listen to and support them willingly. The purpose of the Steadiness Styles in their daily living activities is to soothe them and find comfort in stability.As the name of the style expresses, steadiness is what they seek. They find solace in a well-adjusted life, and because of this, they tend to take life easy by going about it as leisurely as possible. The Steadiness Styles are careful enough not to do things or make decisions that would disrupt the stability of their lif e. Among the four personality styles mentioned in the DISC Platinum Rule Assessment, the Steadiness Styles are said to be slower-paced than usual. They take life one step at a time by thinking and rethinking their lives, decisions, actions over time and again.When it is time to make a decision, the Steadiness Styles depend on other people to help them make the right choices. This is brought about by their need to interact with people and gain their appreciation. The Steadiness Styles ask for opinions from other people and they think about all the options that are available before finally choosing one absolute path to take. When it is time to act out the decision, they still need to ask the impression of other people about the decision that she is about to make.In this attribute of the Steadiness Style, we can observe that they are overly dependent on other people, and they are constantly searching for social interaction, relationships, and involvement from other individuals. The ass essment amusingly expressed that if we look at the work space of an individual who is a Steadiness Style, we would often see pictures of them with other people which greatly shows how they are attached to everyone they have encountered in their lives.Furthermore, this attachment to other people is manifested by their avoidance of disagreements. For the Steadiness Styles, they are most likely to live within a situation or an environment which is unpleasant to them, rather than be in a conflict with other people. As a result, the Steadiness Styles tend to say the things that other people want to hear or would agree with than express a genuine remark which they know would cause trouble between them and the people surrounding them.These desirable characters all in all will get them jobs that are appropriate to their attitudes such as a financial advisor, an insurance agent, a counselor, a teacher or a social worker, doctor or nurse, personal assistance, a customer service representative s, and the likes (as cited in the DISC Platinum Assessment report. Another aspect described by the report includes how the Steadiness Styles act in the work place. For these styles, they display desirable work characteristics and ethics because they courteous by showing respect to their superiors and colleagues, approachable, and responsible.We should remember that the Steadiness Styles are people-oriented; therefore, they are also good team players. They share tasks when asked to work with a team making them a valuable employee and colleague. As to the Steadiness Styles’ weaknesses, they are oversensitive and emotional, too submissive, slow-paced, and are unskilled in goal setting. For the Steadiness Styles to be able to counter their weaknesses and allow for improvement and development, the DISC Platinum Assessment report mentioned some pointers on how they may be able to continue improving their character.The Steadiness Styles should see to it that they are able to handle change in an accepting manner. Since their goal in life is to achieve steadiness, they are often shaken up by change causing them to be unsettled and unproductive. Change is a natural process that individuals cannot avoid; therefore, it is about time that the Steadiness Styles train themselves to handle change better. At some points in their lives, especially in the work place, everyone will be tasked to handle a leadership or managerial position.This would hurt the career of the Steadiness Styles if they are unable to pick themselves up and act accordingly to the changes that are required of them. In short, they should be able to handle stress and pressure that sudden changes eventually bring to them. The Steadiness Styles are also described as action-oriented. They are focused on doing and accomplishing things through action that they seem to lack in their logical thinking and analytical skills. It would help them a great deal if they learn how to think and analyze things by tappi ng into their creativity and innovativeness.They need to motivate themselves go beyond what they already know and discover a whole lot of unexplored ideas and thoughts that would contribute to their knowledge and experience, adding to their character and sense of being. When it comes to their interest in getting involved with other people and building relationships, they should keep in mind that they have their own identity and not depend so much on other people. As mentioned above in their characteristics, they avoid conflicts with other people by being passive and obedient.This is a weakness that should be changed in order to achieve greater potential. They should be comfortable with who they are, what they think, what they want to do, and what they want to say, even if it means that other people will not agree with them. This will help in self-empowerment and also strengthening their relationship with other people by being true with themselves and their family, friends, and colle agues. I do not entirely agree with results of this assessment because there are other characteristics in the report which I do not observe to be doing in my everyday life.I agree with the report because I actually do love company and I love meeting other people because I am interested to know who they are. However, I am more likely to express my opinion with other people even if I know they will not agree with me. Perhaps, I have surpassed my passiveness. In line with the issue though, I remember when I was younger, I would act passively with other people. I will not air comments or any other opinions, but rather, I listen to the remarks of other people. Now that I am older, I guess I have conquered that fear of rejection.I also agree with the report because I always see to it that everything in my life is in place. I do not like chaos, especially when I look at my life. I always want stability that is why I go to great lengths in order to achieve it. Overall, the DISC Platinum Ass essment activity has been engaging because it mirrors, although not entirely, who I am, and it gives suggestions on how I should change myself in order to become a better person and in turn, achieve my life goals straightforwardly.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Zodiac Signs - 1141 Words

â€Å"Hi! I’m a Gemini. So, what’s your sign?† â€Å"I’m never at a loss for words, but your beauty leaves me speechless.† Although these sound like cheesy pick-up lines from the sixties or seventies, there can be a valid reason as to why people use them. The zodiac is a band of the sky along which the Sun, the Moon, and most of the planets move. It is divided into twelve parts, with each named for a nearby constellation. The twelve zodiac or astrological signs are associated with four essential elements, which are used to describe a person s place in the world. Those elements are air, water, earth, and fire. All of these must co-exist peacefully and work together in sync in order to achieve balance in life. The twelve zodiac signs are assigned to certain dates and houses that portray and describe the characteristics and personality of an individual. Since my birthday is on May 26th, I am a Gemini. In order to be considered a Gemini, an individual’s birthday would have to fall between the approximate dates of May 21st and June 20th. Just like the eleven other signs, Gemini has its own traits and characteristics that are said to be associated with a person born within those dates. However, traits that are specified for a certain sign do not always have to match that person. There can be instances where a person is considered to be a particular sign, but in reality they are not anything like it. Gemini, one of the zodiac constellations, is the sign of the twins. It is theShow MoreRelatedDifferent Sides Of Zodiac Signs Essay1564 Words   |  7 Pages Different sides Zodiac signs are the way we are labeled from birth. The time of the year we are born dictates who we will be, and how we will act. I was born on October 1st, 1992, at 9:06 a.m. At birth I weighed 7 pounds and 5 ounces. I am a Libra, the balance stand, an air sign. My mother always told me I could balance myself out. 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Well is it the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world ( The basic things you need to know about Astrology and the most recognized thing is the Zodiac signs. The word Zodiac literally means animals and refers to the patterns of creatures as seen in the stars at night ( There are 12 signs that haveRead More The Zodiac Killer Essay examples1229 Words   |  5 Pages Much is unknown about the Zodiac killer, but given what is known about serial killers in general, this man was probably born between 1938 and 1943. That would make his age between 25 and 30 years old at the time of his first murder in Vallejo, California, in 1968. Also, that age estimate works with witness statements and its supported by Zodiacs references to his victims in younger terms in his letters of 1969. Zodiac wasnt an attractive character from what we know. He may have had to wear glasses

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Crystal Field Splitting Definition

Definition: Crystal field splitting is the difference in energy between d orbitals of ligands.Crystal field splitting number is denoted by the capital Greek letter Δ.Crystal field splitting explains the difference in color between two similar metal-ligand complexes.Δ tends to increase with oxidation number and increases down a group on the periodic table. Also Known As: ligand field splitting